4 key enabling technology sectors
Advanced materials;
Advanced manufacturing;
Industry 4.0;
Environmental technologies.
Advanced materials;
Advanced manufacturing;
Industry 4.0;
Environmental technologies.
Offshore wind;
Offshore aquaculture;
Offshore oil & gas;
Waterborne transport.
Winning project ideas will be funded with up to 60,000€.
Winning SMEs will benefit from exclusive Business Support Services to ease new market access.
Webinar on GreenOffshoreTech’s accelerator program, webinar on initial business plan making; webinar on tech support through cluster’s own tech academies; B2B to mature project idea.
Face-to-face or virtual events to connect with potential users/customers and technology partners within the cluster/regional ecosystem.
Webinar & individual Support on public funding opportunities.
3-days tailored business coaching and mentoring for each winner SME.
Group & individual Training on branding.
Group & individual Support on internationalisation.
Group & individual Investor pitching training.
Two live Investor Pitching Events.
Topic 1: Advanced Materials
We are looking for projects in the following fields:
Topic 2: Advanced Manufacturing & Digitalisation (IoT, AI, Big Data)
We are looking for projects in the following fields:
Topic 3: Environmental Technologies (Circular economy, Waste Prevention, Reuse, Recycling, Recovery)
We are looking for projects in the following fields:
Topic 4: New Energy Carriers (Hydrogen, Methanol, Ammonia, Lithium-ion Cell)
We are looking for projects in the following fields:
What is GreenOffshoreTech fund?
GreenOffshoreTech initiative is a fund based in the attribution of Vouchers to foster the deployment of key enabling technologies and environmental technologies in the emerging sectors offshore wind energy and offshore aquaculture, and the established sectors offshore oil & gas and waterborne transport.
What is the aim of this Open Call?
The GreenOffshoreTech Consortium will organise two Open Calls (two cut-off deadlines) with the aim to support and fund at least 100 SME-driven Innovation Projects. The total GreenOffshoreTech budget to fund SME-driven Innovation Projects is €3 million. The available budget per call is 1.5 M EUR. The GreenOffshoreTech Consortium reserves the right not to award all available funds or to transfer them to call 2, depending on the proposals received and the results of the evaluation. The selected SME-driven Innovation Project will receive direct funding of up to €60.000 as a lump sum; means with no need to report costs.
In addition to the financial support, each selected SME-driven Innovation Project will be supported by tailored Business Support Services and an Open Space for Innovation to enable cross-sectoral and cross-border collaborations, to ease new market access, and to accelerate the market uptake.
Successful SME applicants will make a contract with the GreenOffshoreTech Consortium.
This is the first Call for Proposal (OPEN CALL #1) with a total available budget of €1.5 million aiming to select and fund the first 50 SME-driven Innovation Projects.
What is the total amount of direct financial support for SMEs, in this Call?
The total amount of direct financial support for SMEs in this Call is 1,5 Million of euros.
What is the submission deadline?
The submission deadline is July 6, 2022, Wednesday, until 17:00 CET.
Will an extension of the proposal submission deadline be possible?
No. The proposals must be submitted until July 6, 2022, Wednesday, until 17:00 CET.
How do I apply?
The applications must be submitted digitally using the GreenOffshoreTech Proposal Platform, that can be found following this url: https://greenoffshoretech.com/call-for-proposals/.
Or simply look at our website (www.greenoffshoretech.com) under CALL FOR PROPOSAL.
How many steps does the call have?
This is a one-step call.
Who is the target audience for GreenOffshoreTech call?
SMEs working in the area of advanced materials, advanced manufacturing, Industry 4.0, digitalisation, IoT or environmental technologies to provide innovative technology solutions in selected Topics targeting following four Offshore sectors: offshore wind, offshore aquaculture, offshore oil & gas, waterborne transport.
SMEs should be a technology provider or technology adopter/user focusing on following Key Enabling Technologies: advanced materials, advanced manufacturing, Industry 4.0/digital technologies, environmental technologies.
Is there a limitation in the number of actors participating in an application?
GreenOffshoreTech will fund activities of :
Important : Only one proposal per SME can be selected for funding.
The applying SME organisation must be established and based in one of the GreenOffshoreTech REGIONS in Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Iceland, and UK or it is a member of one of the GreenOffshoreTech CLUSTERS.
Who may submit the proposals?
The final proposal must be submitted by a SME or Start-up, in the case of partnership projects is the coordinator of the consortium a SME.
What are the eligibility criteria of SMEs?
The GreenOffshoreTech innovation vouchers are open to SMEs meeting the following criteria:
Is a newly registered start-up eligible to apply?
Yes, supporting new innovative companies, even any without audited accounts, is in line with this funding scheme and rules.
Can more than one SMEs apply?
Yes. According to the rules can apply:
• a group of SMEs;
• a single SME together with other innovation actors (e.g. research centres, universities, large companies);
• a group of SMEs together with other innovation actors (e.g. research centres, universities, large companies).
Can a single SME submit more than one application ?
No. Each SME may submit only one proposal and may participate in maximum one project, either in the first or second cut-off deadline. Multiple submissions are a disqualify factor. In case an SME submit more than one proposal, all proposals that they have submitted will be automatically excluded from the evaluation process.
What is the maximum amount of support for the SME?
The maximum amount of direct funding that an SME may receive is EUR 60,000.
What support offer GreenOffshoreTech acceleration program?
The innovation support for the SMEs will be financial Vouchers and non-financial Business Support Services.
Under the first Call for Proposal (OPEN CALL #1) a total of 50 SME-driven Innovation projects will be supported.
What support can the SME count on under the program?
Can the SME apply only for one Phase of the acceleration program?
No. Application should apply for all 3 phases of the acceleration program.
What are the GreenOffshoreTech Topics that can be funded under this open call?
This Call for Proposal funds projects for the development of new sustainable products, processes, or services addressing challenges of one or more of the targeted four offshore sectors:
offshore wind,
offshore aquaculture,
offshore oil & gas,
waterborne transport.
by using one or more of the 4 key enabling technology sectors
advanced materials,
advanced manufacturing,
Industry 4.0/digital technologies,
environmental technologies.
Project proposals must address at least one of the following four topics. In the topic, the project proposal must address at least one of the fields.
What are the expected impacts of proposals?
All Projects supported by GreenOffshoreTech shall deliver innovative solutions that contribute to one or more of the following:
All projects supported by GreenOffshoreTech shall contribute to meeting the goals of the European Green Deal and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in one or more of the following areas:
All projects supported by GreenOffshoreTech shall contribute to meeting the goals of the EU’s 2030 Climate & Energy Framework within the following key targets:
For more reading, go to the GreenOffshoreTech website (LIBRARY) and download: “D1.1 Challenges, needs and trends of four offshore industrial sectors” https://greenoffshoretech.com/library/
How many main topics must the proposal address?
It is mandatory to address one topic, however, the proposal can cover several of the topics and several fields listed.
What is a TRL level?
TRL means Technology Readiness Level and it’s a method for estimating the maturity a technology solution during the acquisition phase of a program.
What are the expected TRLs for activities to be funded?
The expected TRLs at start of the project should lie between TRL 4-6 (TRL-In) and at project end should lie between 5-8 (TRL-Out); means TRL-In should be at least TRL 4 and TRL-Out at least TRL5.
What are the specific activities under TRL 4,TRL 5, TRL6, TRL 7 and TRL 8?
What is the maximum GreenOffshoreTech contribution?
The maximum possible financial support for any SME in all calls is limited to €60.000,00 but is dependent of the phase of accelerator program.
What types of innovation support measures are provided in the Call for Proposals?
What is a Lump-sum?
A Lump-sum is a fixed amount of money which can be used by beneficiaries for several purposes related to the achievement of the project objectives. It is necessary to provide an explanation in the application on how the lump-sum will be used including a clear budget proposal (personnel, subcontracting, travels, equipment and consumables). Since the granting of a lump-sum does not foresee the delivery of a detailed financial reporting and timesheets, the use of the project budget will be controlled considering the technical advancements by the technical reviewers
What are the eligible costs?
A Lump-sum is a fixed amount of money which can be used by beneficiaries for several purposes related to the achievement of the project objectives. It is necessary to provide an explanation in the application on how the lump-sum will be used including a clear budget proposal (personnel, subcontracting, travels, equipment and consumables). Since the granting of a lump-sum does not foresee the delivery of a detailed financial reporting and timesheets, the use of the project budget will be controlled considering the technical advancements by the technical reviewers.
Is it allowed to subcontract other SMEs, large companies, universities, RTDs, other entities etc.?
Subcontracting is permitted but should not exceed 50% of the planned activities in each PHASE (in terms of content). At proposal stage, the SME shall describe in detail any planned subcontracting work.
Subcontracting refers to the situation where the SME outsources part of the planned activities to other innovation actors (e.g., research centres, universities, large companies, other SMEs not being applicant). The SME will retail full liability for the performance of the subcontractor.
How do the lump-sum payment work?
Four instalments are foreseen, which are triggered by achievements and delivery of small reports:
How to apply?
The SME submits an application as PDF files on the GreenOffshoreTech Proposal Platform that can be found at the GreenOffshoreTech website (www.greenoffshoretech.com) or directly at: https://greenoffshoretech.com/call-for-proposals/
• The submission language is English.
• Applicants are expected to provide complete, accurate data and contact details.
• The application reception will close on July 6, 2022, Wednesday, at 17:00 CET.
• It is highly recommended to submit the application before the deadline to avoid any
failures in applications because of technical issues.
• Only full and correct applications submitted will be considered.
Are extra forms or documents necessary to accompany the proposal?
Yes. The following documents are all needed to be properly completed and submitted electronically through GreenOffshoreTech platform to answer the call:
How will confidentiality be ensured? Is there a guarantee that my data is not handed over automatically to third parties like private investors or others?
The GreenOffshoreTech Consortium will sign with the applicants a project agreement where the Confidentially and proper Data Management will be guaranteed.
What is the expected time-to-inform and time-to-grant?
Who will evaluate my proposal?
The GreenOffshoreTech Consortium and external experts will execute a trustworthy evaluation process. Each admissible and eligible proposal will be evaluated by a Review Panel consisting of representatives of the GreenOffshoreTech consortium and external evaluators with experience in advanced materials, advanced manufacturing, Industry 4.0, digital technologies, environmental technologies including circular economy or business development.
What is going to be evaluated?
Eligible proposals will be evaluated and ranked according to the following three evaluation criteria:
a) The innovation potential to create new value chains (weight 25%);
b) The technical excellence, feasibility, and viability of the project (weight 25%);
c) The socioeconomic impact of the proposed solution, including business potential (e.g. sustainability, and environment impact) (weight 50%).
Proposals that not only demonstrate cross-sectoral innovation but also cross-border potential involving actors from different European regions will get a higher ranking.
The following table explains the different aspects which will be considered for each evaluation criteria.
Can the application be submitted in any language?
No, only English applications will be accepted.
Is this voucher under de minimis-rules?
No, the De-minimis funding cap does not apply to funding received in GreenOffshoreTech.
Therefore, if your organization already reached it limit under the EU De-minimis rules, it can still receive funding from GreenOffshoreTech.
What are the basic requirements for the applying company?
The applying company has to follow all the EU and national rules and regulations e.g., taxation, public procurement etc.
Which are the GreenOffshoreTech REGIONS?
The GreenOffshoreTech REGIONS comprise following 16 regions in Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Portugal and United Kingdom:
Which are the GreenOffshoreTech CLUSTERS?
The GreenOffshoreTech CLUSTERS comprise following 8 clusters in Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Portugal and United Kingdom:
What partner belongs to the GreenOffshoreTech CONSORTIUM?
The GreenOffshoreTech Consortium consists of following 12 partners (7 clusters, 2 regional development agencies, and 3 inter-cluster and innovation management experts). Know more here.
Who can I contact when I have technical issues to submit the applications?
In case, you might experience any IT issues while submitting your application on the GreenOffshoreTech Proposal Platform please contact our IT-Help Desk (it-helpdesk@bal.eu).
Phone support will be offered if the problem cannot be solved by mail that will be maintained for proposers during the opening of the Call